Fishermen Approach an Iceberg to Save a Stranded Animal—But What They Discover Is Far More Terrifying

Tanner knew what he was getting himself into, after all sailing through the treacherous stretches of arctic ocean was one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. But even that knowledge had not prepared him for what was to come.

What started off as an eerily quiet morning in the sea turned into a nightmare within moments as a sudden violent jolt rocked the boat shattering the calm. Mallory’s instincts kicked in, his seasoned hands steadying the wheel.

Unbeknownst to the three fishermen, the sea had a surprise waiting for them, one that would test everything they had learned in their years on the water. They didn’t know that this day would change the trajectory of their lives forever.

Mallory, Tanner, and Jacob hailed from the small, rugged town of Frosthaven, a place so far north that the sun barely skimmed the horizon during the long winter months. The three of them had been fishing together since they were old enough to hold a rod.