But in the rush of his newfound responsibility, he missed something big. He was dealing with a wild creature, pure and unpredictable, with power and potential danger as big as the wilderness that birthed it. This wasn’t a tame, easy-going animal but a creature of the wild, where survival was the only game and every move was a risk. The serious side of what he was getting into lay hidden, a truth he didn’t acknowledge yet, waiting to spring up and show its dangerous side…

Why, indeed, had the bear chosen him to follow? This was a question that kept spinning in Luka’s mind, contributing to the growing mystery that was gradually revealing itself. Or had he misunderstood? Luka glanced at the bear again, suddenly less certain. Had the bear even noticed him at all? Suddenly, it didn’t seem that way anymore. Had he misinterpreted the bear’s actions and possibly landed himself in a perilous situation? Was he behaving foolishly by trailing it? Was each step deeper into the forest drawing him nearer to an unseen threat?