Aelf (ELF) Price Prediction – 2024, 2025 – 2030

Aelf (ELF) Overview

🪙 Cryptocurrency Aelf
💱 Ticker Symbol ELF
🏆 Rank 179
💸 Market Cap $200,176,613
💲 Price $0.270799
🚀 Trading Volume $111,636,627
📈 Price Change (24h) 23.41%
💰 Current Supply 739,206,756
  • Bullish Aelf (ELF) price predictions range between $1.62 and $1.76 by 2031.
  • Market analysts believe ELF could reach $0.676998 by 2026.
  • Bearish Aelf market price prediction for 2025 is $0.216639.

Aelf (ELF) Introduction

Ever since the cryptocurrency boom, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have far advanced from the early days of Bitcoin. Now, there are seemingly hundreds of tokens, coins, and blockchains to choose from.

But how can one predict which coin to choose from for investment in the whole crypto world? What about multi-layer blockchain technology?

Enter the Aelf blockchain and Elf token. In this article, we’ll walk you through the basics of Aelf and whether it’s a good investment. So keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Aelf price predictions!

What Is Aelf?

Before you think of buying Aelf or elf tokens, it helps to first know what it is exactly. Initial research on the basics of whatever cryptocurrency you’re investing in will help you get a good return on your coin.

Aelf is both a multi-layer and multi-chain blockchain ecosystem. In this aspect, it’s quite similar to the Ethereum blockchain. Elf coin is the token for the Aelf blockchain, just as Ether is the coin of the Ethereum blockchain.

What Is a Multichain Blockchain?

A multichain blockchain is a type of open-source blockchain designed for running blockchain applications within a specific organization. The multichain blockchain restricts visibility only to pre-approved entities. This visibility helps not only with transaction control but also with the coin mining process altogether, making it an attractive option for investors.

Multichain platforms such as Aelf provide both Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and Command Line Interfaces (CLI) for facilitating financial transactions. They also come with additional tools and features well-suited for enterprise-level applications.

What Is Aelf OS?

Aelf OS is an operating system developed on the Aelf ecosystem. Much like the Linux operating system, Aelf OS is open-source and encourages collaboration and user contributions.

Aelf OS is especially useful for decentralized applications, or dApps. The Aelf OS helps facilitate a more unified ecosystem for dApps overall. Aelf OS uses sidechains, both internal and external, for building a decentralized cloud computing network.

The Aelf OS makes the currency a more novel investment compared to other currencies currently on the market.

What Are dApps?

As the name suggests, dApps are decentralized apps. Much like normal applications, whether on the cryptocurrency market or any other platform, they offer different features and functionality to users.

However, unlike traditional apps, dApps run on peer-to-peer networks using smart contracts. In this case, the network in question is the Aelf blockchain. As a result, no single entity has complete control over the dApp.

Key dApp Features

Although there is no agreed-upon definition of what features dApps must have, there are nonetheless some features that dApps on the cryptocurrency market have. These features are listed below as follows:

  • The application must be open-source
  • The application’s data and records must be publicly available.
  • The application offers network security through cryptographic tokens.

Aelf (ELF) Technical Analysis

Now that you’ve familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of Aelf, we can move on to technical analysis of the price of Aelf. Before you invest, try and familiarize yourself with some of these technical analysis terms.

Aelf’s price forecast will not only help estimate the current price and value of the coin, but also help with the expected price forecast in the future. This forecast will ultimately help you decide whether aelf is a profitable investment or not.

Before you make a final decision, make sure to do your own research on the crypto market and Aelf price predictions.

Relative Strength Index (RSI)

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is an oscillator or the difference between two moving averages. It is momentum-based and forecasts estimated currency predictions; in this case, the Aelf price forecast. RSI measures the magnitude and velocity of directional price movements.

Awesome Oscillator (AO)

Another way to measure Aelf price rise is through the Awesome Oscillator (AO). The AO is a price prediction tool that measured market momentum. It calculates the difference between two different moving averages, one over a 34 and one over a 5 period.

Bears Power Oscillator (BP)

In Aelf price prediction, how can we calculate the oscillation between the minimum price value exponential moving average? Simple: use the Bears Power (BP), or Bear market oscillator. Compared to other prediction methods, this oscillator gives a relatively stable elf price prediction.

Exponential Moving Average

The other price prediction technical analysis tool is moving averages. These can help determine the average trading price, average forecast price, and overall price prediction using the current price and previous price. The exponential moving average gives a weighted moving average in data series while retaining old data points.

Aelf (ELF) Fundamental Analysis

With a total market cap or maximum supply of 1,000,000, the Elf token is a good investment if you’re looking for a decentralized, cloud platform-based cryptocurrency. The maximum value or maximum price level may be difficult to predict, but expect Aelf to become more popular as decentralized and cloud-based blockchains take the lead.

Aelf forecast on the crypto market isn’t difficult with the right tools, so make sure to keep an eye out on Aelf price today as shown on different crypto exchanges.

Aelf (ELF) Coin Current Price

Aelf is currently worth $0.270799 USD. ELF has moved 23.41% in the last 24 hours with a trading volume of $111,636,627. Aelf is currently ranked 179 amongst all cryptocurrencies with a market capitalization of $200,176,613 USD.

Aelf (ELF) Coin Price Prediction

Year Minimum Price Average Price Maximum Price
2024 $0.324959 $0.379119 $0.406199
2025 $0.541598 $0.595758 $0.676998
2026 $0.812398 $0.866558 $0.947797
2027 $1.08 $1.14 $1.22
2028 $1.35 $1.41 $1.49
2029 $1.62 $1.68 $1.76
2030 $1.90 $1.95 $2.03
2031 $2.17 $2.22 $2.30
2032 $2.44 $2.55 $2.65

Our price prediction forecasts use real-time Aelf (ELF) market data and all data is updated live on our website. This allows us to provide dynamic price predictions based on current market activity.

Aelf (ELF) Price Prediction 2024

Aelf, according to some, is one of the most amazing cryptocurrencies to rise this year (ELF). The ELF price forecast for 2024 anticipates a significant increase in the year’s second half, possibly reaching $0.406199.

As with other cryptocurrencies, the rise will be gradual, but no considerable drops are expected. Averaging $0.379119 in price is quite ambitious, but it is feasible in the near future given anticipated collaborations and advancements. ELF is expected to have a minimum value of $0.324959.

Aelf (ELF) Price Prediction 2025

In 2025, Aelf ELF price prediction has much room for expansion. As a result of the potential announcements of numerous new partnerships and initiatives, we anticipate that the price of ELF will soon surpass $0.676998. However, we should wait to see if the ELF’s relative strength index comes out of the oversold zone before placing any bullish bets.

Considering the market volatility, ELF will trade with a minimum trading price of $0.541598 and an average trading price of $0.595758.

Aelf (ELF) Price Prediction 2026

If the upward trend continues until 2026, it could reach $0.947797 and ELF may profit. If the market experiences a decline, the goal may not be met. ELF is expected to trade at an average price of $0.866558 and a low of $0.812398 in 2026.

Aelf (ELF) Price Prediction 2027

If Aelf successfully boosts market sentiment among cryptocurrency enthusiasts, the ELF coin price could remain stable for the next five years.

According to our projections, ELF will be green in 2027. The ELF is expected to reach and surpass its all-time high in 2027. In 2027, the virtual currency will be worth $1.22, with a minimum price of $1.08 and an average price of $1.14.

Aelf (ELF) Price Prediction 2028

After some extensive forecasting and technical analysis, we estimate the ELF price is expected to cross an average price level of $1.41 by 2028, with a minimum price of $1.35 expected before the end of the year. Furthermore, ELF has a maximum price value of $1.49.

Aelf (ELF) Price Prediction 2029

Due to the future partnerships that are expected to happen by 2029, we are expecting that a bullish trend will continue, bringing the average price to around $1.68. If ELF manages to break the resistant level in 2029, we could see a maximum price of $1.76, failing to gather the support ELF needs by 2029 could result in a low of $1.62.

Aelf (ELF) Price Prediction 2030

While ELF is striving towards interoperability between networks to hasten interaction, the bullish trend from the previous year is expected to continue. So the minimum trade price has been placed at $1.90 and a yearly price close above $2.03 in 2030.

Aelf (ELF) Price Prediction 2031

By 2031, Aelf will finally surpass its previous ATH values and record new price levels. The minimum price could be $2.17 and potentially reach a maximum price value of $2.30, averaging out at $2.22.

Aelf (ELF) Price Prediction 2032

The cryptocurrency market is known to be highly volatile which is one of the many reasons why price forecasting is a difficult task. BitcoinWisdom tries our best to forecast future price points with precision, however all predictions should not be taken as financial advice and you should DYOR (do your own research). In 2032, we are expecting cryptocurrency to have gained adoption across many sectors. As such, the maximum ELF price in 2032 is projected to be $2.65 in the event of a bull run, with an average price level of $2.55.


Decentralized apps or dApps are increasingly attracting more investors as the shift towards cloud-based technologies becomes more prevalent. Current predictions for Aelf are based on the expected increase in popularity of decentralized crypto, so keep an eye out on prices as you continue trading.

That said, if you’re looking to secure Elf tokens and invest in crypto with a good return, Elf is an attractive choice for novice and intermediate investors alike.

Premium Aelf (ELF) Price Predictions

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What is the Aelf (ELF) price today?

Today, Aelf (ELF) is trading at $0.270799 with a total market capitalization of $200,176,613.

Is Aelf a good investment?

Aelf proved to be one of the most talked about coins in the crypto space this past year. With this in mind, it is wise to say that ELF is a good choice of investment.

How high can Aelf go?

The average price of Aelf (ELF) can possibly reach $0.379119 this year. Over the next 5 years, it is projected that Aelf may surpass $1.76.

How much will Aelf be worth in 5 years?

Based on the rising popularity of cryptocurrency and Aelf, a long term investment in ELF could see the price rise to $1.76 within the next 5 years.

How much will Aelf be worth in 10 years?

If you invest in Aelf today, as with any investment, a long term increase is expected. The price of ELF could possibly rise to $3.44 within the next 10 years.

What will the Aelf price be in 2024?

Aelf (ELF) price is expected to reach $0.676998 by 2024.

What will the Aelf price be in 2025?

Aelf (ELF) price is expected to reach $0.947797 by 2025.

What will the Aelf price be in 2026?

Aelf (ELF) price is expected to reach $1.22 by 2026.

What will the Aelf price be in 2027?

Aelf (ELF) price is expected to reach $1.49 by 2027.

What will the Aelf price be in 2028?

Aelf (ELF) price is expected to reach $1.76 by 2028.

What will the Aelf price be in 2029?

Aelf (ELF) price is expected to reach $2.03 by 2029.

What will the Aelf price be in 2030?

Aelf (ELF) price is expected to reach $2.30 by 2030.

What will the Aelf price be in 2031?

Aelf (ELF) price is expected to reach $2.65 by 2031.

Jason Conor
Jason Conor Verified

Editor-in-Chief of the BitcoinWisdom site, I'm responsible for ensuring all the content on our website is accurate, relevant, and helpful. I am a cryptocurrency advocate and I have been following the crypto space since early 2012. I have written extensively about Bitcoin and my work has appeared in some of the most respected publications.

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