Editorial Policy
At Bitcoin Wisdom, the number one priority is to ensure that traders and investors can make better informed investing decisions. This is why we are committed to complete transparency, including sharing the rating methodology we employ. The world of cryptocurrencies is vast and confusing, and we are here to make it less so, making it so that you can make decisions with more clarity.
Our Vision
Founded in 2013, Bitcoin Wisdom strives to provide informative and accurate bitcoin news, price predictions, investing guides and exchange reviews.
Our Mission
We have a team of dedicated individuals committed to helping you learn the fundamentals of Cryptocurrency. Our team’s primary assignment is to ensure that you can access the financial markets in the simplest way possible. With the help of our partners, we have made it our responsibility to be a part of your financial independence journey with the limitless possibilities offered by the crypto market.
Editorial Guidelines
Our team is committed to creating accurate and actionable content that can help readers in making informed financial decisions. We also uphold the value of transparency to the highest standards, making sure that your editorial guidelines and revenue systems are made public. All the practices followed by the team are guided by editorial principles, and every line of text we write is fact-checked to ensure that all errors are removed promptly.
We also highly value editorial independence. All the reviews, articles, and recommendations we make are in no way influenced by our partners, whether from within the organization or outside. Our process of making money is also transparent and can be found here.
Our editorial team reflects that our audience is quite diverse, belonging to different regions and economic backgrounds. Therefore, our assessments and recommendations reflect this, enabling us to connect with our readership and provide them with advice that is most relevant to their situation.
Key Principles
- All members of the financial and cryptocurrency markets are committed to the highest standards of information, and they are entitled to balanced, accurate, and complete information.
- All members of the market deserve economic equity, and it is important to us that our content help achieve that end.
- All the sources of information that we use for our content are diverse, so as to ensure a higher degree of accuracy. We base our opinions on experts that reflect the sentiments and questions posed by diverse and underrepresented groups of people.
- We strive to ensure objectivity in all our reviews, not letting our opinions and analyses be biased by any business partners we may have. Our content provides a critical analysis of the different options that are available to users in the market, empowering them to make more informed decisions.
Editorial Independence
- Our editorial team, consisting of writers, editors, and fact-checkers, is exclusively responsible for creating all the editorial content that we publish. This includes any reviews, predictions, or comparisons that we publish.
- All the viewpoints that we present are based on facts that have been gathered through independent research and analysis. We compare every product that we review with other similar products in the market for a more grounded comparison, and offer opinions solely based on the features and services of the product itself.
- Our decisions on what rating to give products and whether we talk about a product favorably or not are in no way influenced by our business partners.
- Our writers and editors are not compensated directly through advertisements or by our partners, thereby ensuring that there is no conflict of interest in that regard.
- The performance analysis and reviews of the quality of our articles and the editorial team are not influenced by our business partners or by the favorability of their reviews.
Fact-checking and corrections
- All the content that we publish through the platform is fact-checked to ensure that all the information presented is accurate and timely. As of the publication date of the article, any information contained in it should be accurate.
- All our content goes through a comprehensive process, involving writers, editors, and copy editors, who check to see if all the content is factually correct.
- The only major sources used by the writers while preparing articles are primary and authoritative sources, such as interviews, as well as government and industry websites.
- Whenever we might inadvertently make an error, we post a correction on the article, pointing out where the error was made and what the correct information is.
If you need to get in touch with our editorial team, please reach out to [email protected]